
after i was soooo shocked how cool the Dirtywave M8 Tracker is, while at the same time finding out that M8 is using the source code of Mutable Instrument’s Braids module, i spent the morning crafting two klangstrom nodes that interface with Braids and Plaits.

on the one hand it kind of makes a point i repeatedly ( want to ) make about klangstrom: it is an infrastructure to integrate one’s own or other people’s ideas into. on the other hand, it feels a bit like cheating. IMHO Mutable Instrument’s work is extremly good. boom!

it is also totally worth noting that i have the bare minimum, just enough to see if and how it works and to make the point. the modules can produce sounds alright but there is a lot left to be integrated ( parameters, signals, … ).

@edit i spent another few hours to also add Clouds as it was dearly requested by our head of modular department ( aka jacob ) … and i must say jacob was right: it s a truely amazing echo machine.